Well, the last few days have been interesting.
Thursday started off with getting up at 4:15 am after working until 7:30 the night before. Then I left my cup of coffee back at home. Then I realized that I had put on my underwear backwards while trying to get dressed in the dark. At work, things were ok except for the fact that we had the "Splenda Thief" stop by. This is a woman who does a "Drive-By" Splenda stealing. She will look around then run up to our stock of Splenda and grab all of them and shove them into her pockes and then rush off. I was told about her from my coworkers, but this was my first encounter with her. Kind of sad really, she does not appear to be playing with a full deck.
Friday was pretty uneventful. I got off of work at 1 pm and Nick had to be at work by 3 pm. We had burgers for lunch and then he headed off.
This morning we went out for breakfast. We went to Bob Evans because I love their biscuits. While we were eating, the waitress looked at me and asked (I don't know why) "Is this your dad?" I choked for a moment and said, "Uh, no." Then she said, "Oh you are friends." To which I said, "Yes." (I also had my Michigan Pride shirt on.) She came back later and apologized, saying, "I realized that you are not as young as you initially looked, it must be the hair cut." To which Nick said to me, "What a compliment, you look old!" The waitress came back and again, trying to make things better, told me how old I look. After she left, I looked at Nick and said, "Sometimes we should just pretend something didn't happen."
We both got a laugh out of it.
Nick had to go to work and I had a meeting with the Deacon who has been also working with my congregation. It was a great meeting! She told me that she has noticed a positive change in the congregation, a "Breath of fresh air." She said that she has noticed the congregation has been coming back to life and that I appear to be just what they needed.
She also said that the Bishop has been impressed with the changes that have been occurring.
I guess I will stay at the Bucks and look forward to a time when I can get a congregation full time.
Speaking of Bucks, I get to work with the Immature 16 year-old on Monday. We will see if there has been any changes. I sure hope so.
My schedule for this weeks sucks. Three closes followed by two openers. 37 hours after I said that I really didn't want many over 20. Oh well, that is what happens when one of your coworkers quits.
Hope you all are having a great evening. Enjoy life. And realize, it could be worse, you could have your underwear on backwards.
I think accidently backwards undergarments is a sign of good luck.
I think the worst part about having underwear on backwards would be if they had been previous "used".
Congrats on the good review by the Deacon!
As for the Splenda thief. It does sound as if she has some kind of disorder. Sad.
Funny the waitress wondering if Nick is your dad. Leon and I get asked all the time if we are brothers. Once we were even asked if we are twins. I don't think we look anything alike.
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