Since when has it become ok to drop the F-bomb in general public conversation? I was working, making coffee not preaching, when someone came up and ordered. Then within the less than five minutes it took to make the drink, the guy dropped the F-bomb over 10 times! That is more than in the movie Knocked Up! What I hated is that I tacitly encouraged this behavior by not saying anything. But then again, I would probably lose my job if I did say anything.
Sometimes I wish I had a snap-on clerical collar or something that I could just turn away and pop it on and then turn back. Or quickly switch out my name tag to one that says, "Fr. Benton Q."
I don't think I am a prude, but it just floors me how this word just gets tossed around as if it is nothing.
I had to chuckle (although I know your concern is serious). Back in the mid 70's I worked with an ambulance crew that was made up mostly of my parishioners at the time. We had a call one day and the patient was cussing a blue stream. After a short while, one of the crew members cleared her throat loudly and asked me in a loud voice (with emphasis as she added it), "*REV* G-, what route do you think we should take to the hospital?" The patient looked startled and looked at the crew member and then me - we did not hear another cuss word out of his lips the entire trip!
{FYI, my word verification for this comment was "ducuss". LOL!]
Maybe that word will make it onto the "Tired Words of 2009" list next year. Then we can all roll our eyes and snicker at the lamers who still use it. Eventually, everyone will be too embarrassed to say it anymore.
Nasty manners and crude language is still bad manners. period.
>Sometimes I wish I had a snap-on clerical collar or something that I could just turn away and pop it on and then turn back.
Somehow, that put the image of Fr. Ben, ecclesiastical superhero into my mind.
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