For the most part, I love the people I work with. They are interesting, open minded people. One of the nice things is that I am out to all of them so I don't have to be constantly editing my language.
HOWEVER...(You knew this was coming!)One of my co-workers is about to drive me nuts! Within a six hour stretch I was with him, he cleaned the cash register four times. He took all the pastries out of the pastry case, at 2 pm, and cleaned it. Now, 2 pm is prime pastry selling time! He stacked all the cups in front of the espresso machine so he could wash the plastic holder. It is hard to make espresso when there are cups sitting in front of it. Even when the boss told him to "STOP CLEANING!" he would continue. And when the boss went home for the day, we had the White Tornado return. I know that when he shows up at work, the stress level of the group seems to rise.
This is also the guy who I thought was "family." Now, he says he is not gay, but so does Larry Craig. What is interesting is that as soon as he heard I was gay, he had all kinds of questions about places Nick and I go when we go out and what we experience from the people around us. I just answer his questions. It took me 40years to come to grips. Then again, he may just be interested and nothing more.
Hmmm. Compulsive neat freak and cleaner? Inquiring mind as to where gay guys go? Oh yeah, he's Family! He may not know it yet, but he is!
plenty of fun ways to drive someone with OCD to distraction...
put things off centre to start...
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