Friday, July 29, 2011

Still Thinking About Society

I guess riding on a Greyhound bus can make you wonder about people's ability to be civil.  Watching a couple in their 50's (hetero, mixed ethnicity, not that it matters) snogging for a hundred miles is really annoying.  At one point, this would not have been tolerated by society.  Now I guess I would have been surprised if it didn't happen.  I guess I would have expected it from the younger travelers, though.

Society works because we all agree on standards of behavior.  But lately, it seems, this standard has gone down the tubes.  And to try to raise that level is considered rude.  It is more rude to point out that someone is littering by throwing their cigarette butt on the ground than the person who is actually doing the littering.  It is more rude to point out that snogging on the bus is causing other discomfort than to actually be causing the discomfort by snogging.

It starts with little things.  People disregard stop lines.  People disregard parking lot speed limits.  People disregard clothing decency by wearing clothing that has socially inappropriate words on it.  People are exposing body parts that really shouldn't be exposed.  Even baby clothes can be found with totally inappropriate things on them.

I don't consider myself a prude.  But I also think that if we are to exist as a civil society, we need to be able to keep a society that is aware of all of its people.  Laws work because we all agree to follow the laws.  When we all decide that the laws don't apply to each of us, then we descend into chaos.  Just things like stop-lines and speed limits.  We decide these things don't apply to us and then it moves on.

We become bullies because it is all about "ME!"  I don't care about you, just about me.  And when the whole world is worrying about ME! then we go down the tubes.  And quickly from what I am seeing.  There is no thought about how our actions will effect anyone else; as long as I am enjoying life, well, FU.

I see where people may say that things like Stonewall shouldn't have happened then.  Or that I shouldn't hold Nick's hand in public because it might make some people uncomfortable.  And I guess there is a difference between holding hands and sucking face.

I don't know.  What does anyone else think?


Ur-spo said...

Manners! That is what we sorely need!

And just about all of life's greatest pleasures should be done in private, thank you.

Cubby said...

" It is more rude to point out that someone is littering by throwing their cigarette butt on the ground than the person who is actually doing the littering."

I hadn't heard it put in those kinds of terms before, but you are right. If an offended party speaks up about ill manners he is likely to be verbally abused and further offended. People have lost their respect for one another.