It was a good weekend. On Saturday, we had the bishop come to the area for baptisms, confirmations, receptions, and reaffirmation. I was present for a reaffirmation of faith. What was cool was having Nick be able to stand with his hand on my shoulder as the Bishop laid his hands upon my head.
Nick said that is was great that he was accepted by the people of the church and not made to feel ashamed or "less" in any way.
We then went out for lunch at the Traveler's Club restaurant and Tuba Museum. It was pretty good. I was able to get a TURBODOG!

Then we went to a dance at Nick's church. I actually got him to dance with me once!! This is only the sceond time he danced with me! (He really doesn't like to dance.)
This morning, it was Pentecost and all that entails. Unfortunately, my back was killing me! I never really got a chance to recover from the move. I would have a chance to rest up, but then have to go back to work and stand for eight hours. So I bowed out of going with Nick to his mom's house and stayed home and did a whole lot of nothing. AND IT WAS WONDEFUL! Thankfully, my back feels better tonight.
happy Pentacost to you.
May you always be a channel for The Fire.
Despite the back pain, it does sound like it was a good weekend for you! I was particularly heartened to hear that Nick was accepted/validated in your service of affirmation.
Ben, I think this is the first time I've seen you in uniform. Very distinguished!
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