Monday, August 29, 2011

Follow-Up From Previous Post

Well, now that I am in a better mood, I will flesh out the situation:

As some of you know, I have been between calls since May.  We were in the process of moving out of the apartment as the rent was going to become too expensive.  We were then told informed of a church in the area that would be needing some interim work and so we stayed in the area.

I had met with the leaders of the congregation and it was decided that I would supply at various times during the summer and then we would discuss more in the fall.  The congregation was NOT to be informed that I was a potential fill for their open position.  It was also assumed that this was a done deal unless either the church of me had a reason to say no.  We would then revisit the situation in two years and see we want to continue or if we want to change the situation.

Last Sunday, during the announcements at this church, one of the board members decided to announce that the congregation was setting up a call committee and if anyone wanted to be on it.  And, by the way, Fr. Ben was in the running.

I was a bit (BIT?) surprised.  This was NOT to be discussed with the congregation.

I talked to the President of the congregation and he said that it was NOT to be stated to the congregation.

Then I discussed it with another member of the board and she said that there was discussion of setting up a call committee and I was in the running.

A call committee is at least a 3 month process.  This was not part of the original plan.  We cannot afford to have a three month process with no income.  I could have been looking for a call this summer but I was assured this was a 99% done deal.  (I had been dreading that 1%!)

I am really getting tired of living in the 'burbs, I miss the open, empty, non-peopled places.  I was hoping to be able to get away from the city and move into a more rural area.  I have acquired some medical bills (having a kidney stone removed will do that) and was looking forward to being able to pay them.  Now, it is appearing that I should have been looking for a call all summer.

So yes, I am pissed off, I am feeling betrayed, and I am having a crisis of faith.

I look at my friends and classmates and see them in churches, taking vacations to Italy, being able to get on with life.  It just seems that I encounter difficulties.

The thought of "am I the right person for this" has gone through my head.  When I keep running into walls, I have to wonder if I need to be going in a different direction.  The problem is:  I do not see another direction.

Hopefully we can get some clarity on this situation.

Thanks for your kind words.

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