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I was just looking over the listing of people who have visited my blog and noticed SOMEONE FROM WASILLA ALASKA STOPPED BY! Could it have been the Pit Bull MAMA, herself? Maybe it was the First Dude (when I initially typed that, I actually typed "Fist Dud"!!) doing some "Down-low" cruising? Makes the mind boggle!! Well, at least whoever was cruising the picture of Beckham in his Armani briefs. Good taste!
She was still looking for all those clothes. Maybe she thought that Beckhan had stolen the First Dude's underwear. Her dad said that they are often misplaced. ;)
Hi- sorry, this isn't about this specific post, but I can't find a mailto link for you. Can you update your links list on the left navigation bar? Lutheran Lesbian & Gay Ministries is now Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries, http://elm.org. Thx.
I would think people would be stampeding to your words or wisdom
I know a lot of Alaskans who need some wisdom
Can you possibly imagine what it would be like to be gay in Wasilla, Alaska?....
Now THAT would be someone to pray for. They'd NEED that shot of Beckham, just to keep on keepin' on!
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