That's right, according to my favorite Junk Scientist, I should not be alive. He likes to throw around his great statistic that gay men do not live past 42 years but I just turned 43... Humm... Does that mean that I suddenly am attracted to women? Maybe that is how the ex-gay thing works! If I would have known that, I wouldn't have said anything and just waited until I turned 43 and suddenly became happily hetero.
But I don't feel ex-gay...
Could Paul Cameron be WRONG?!? NEVER! He has God on his side! He would never push false results to drive an agenda. He would only tell the truth because he knows that God is strong enough to stand up to the truth. If he would have to bend the truth to protect God, maybe what he is talking about is an idol named "god," not the real God. Or maybe he is protecting some kind of false belief because an almighty God could survive our scince.
But you know, those that live a Christian Lifestyle...
Did I miss a birthday somewhere recently? If so belated HB!
On other matters, if Cameron is right then why the *heck* did I only come to my gay senses at about age 55? Man! I was dead nearly 15 years before I even knew I was supposed to be!
This is where my patience with Christians runs out completely- when they start having to bend reality like a pretzel in order to fit it to their interpretation of what God is. I always want to ask that subset of Chirstians why anyone would want to worship their tiny God.
Bon anniversaire, mon ami!
May this be the Year of Turnarounds, for both of us!
And if only I'd have (a) come out and (b) found a partner by age 43, how much further along would I be?...
But, as a friend in recovery often says, "Just shut up and grow where you are planted, Steve..."
And personally, I wouldn't trust Paul Cameron to tell me the date and time unless I had an atomic clock to back him up. He only THINKS he has God on his side. Well, gee, so did the Spanish Inquisition, Hitler, Joe McCarthy, and Fred Phelps.
Screw 'em all. Happy freakin' birthday, brother.
strange; i don't know any gay men anymore UNDER 42.
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