I stole this from Lemuel, go show him some love!
20 years ago (08. Nov 1990)
1.) How old were you? 26
2.) Where did you go to school? I was out in the working world with a BA in Psychology and Psychobiology
3.) Where did you work? I worked for a private Sheltered Workshop/Residential Center
4.) Where did you live? I lived in a little, tiny house (you could sit on the "throne" and lean your forehead on the wall in front of you!) in Grand Detour, IL.
5.) Where did you hang out? Anchovies
6.) Did you wear glasses? Nope!
7.) Who was your best friend? Anna
8.) How many tattoos did you have? None.
9.) How many piercings did you have? None.
10.) What car did you drive? A green Chevy Citation, not sure of the year.
11.) Had you been to a real party? Not really sure of this question, but I don't think so.
12.) Had your heart broken? Yes
13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced: Single
10 years ago (08. Nov 2000)
1.) How old were you? 36
2.) Where did you go to school? By this point I had finished my MA in Psychology and also had an M.Div.
3.) Where did you work? My first church in the middle of nowhere northern Michigan.
4.) Where did you live? circa 1970's Mobile Home
5.) Where did you hang out? Traverse City, MI
6.) Did you wear glasses? No.
7.) Who was your best friend? Still Anna
8.) How many tattoos did you have? One.
9.) How many piercings did you have? None.
10.) What car did you drive? A red 1999 Plymouth Duster. I loved that car!
11.) Had you been to a real party? No.
12.) Had your heart broken? Yes, although I wasn't ready to admit it and he had no idea he did it!
13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced: Still single
5 years ago (08. Nov 2005)
1.) How old were you? 41
2.) Where did you go to school? Kind of all over the place. Nothing like a formal degree, just tons of seminars.
3.) Where did you work? Bethlehem Lutheran Church
4.) Where did you live? In my house! I loved that house! It had gargoyles! It had hardwood floors! It was beautiful!
5.) Where did you hang out? I didn't really have a "hang out" place.
6.) Did you wear glasses? Yes, just to read when I remembered them.
7.) Who were your best friends? Anna, still
8.) Who was your crush? Jim
9.) How many tattoos did you have? Two.
10.) How many piercings did you have? None.
11) What car did you drive? 2002 Chevy S-10 Pick-up. (I was so butch!)
12.) Had you had your heart broken? Not anything new.
13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Single but moving toward Takn
14.) Any kids? Just two furballs who had been with me since 2000
Present (08. Nov 2010)
1.) How old are you? 46
2.) Where do you go to school? School of life.
3.) Where do you work? A small church in the 'burbs of Detroit.
4.) Where do you live? In an apartment complex with a view of the neighbors' buildings.
5.) Where do you hang out? Some area parks, a few sports bars, a few gay bars.
6.) Do you wear glasses? Still for reading when I remember where put them.
7.) Who are your best friends? Jim, Anna, Dennis
8.) Who is your crush? Crush, I am a fool for a nice body. Love in my life? Jim, of course!
9.) Do you talk to your old friends? Actually, more so now, due to Facebook.
10.) How many tattoo’s do have? None. Three.
11.) How many piercings do you have? One, though most people will never know this!
12.) What kind of car do you have? 2007 Ford Focus
13.) Has your heart been broken? No, and don't see one in the future, either.
14.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter? Cannot be married in this state.
15.) Any kids? Two furballs: One that I have had since 2000 and one that we recently inherited. ("She goes to your house or heaven.)
Well, that was kind of fun!
"How many more gay people does God have to create before we ask ourselves whether or not God actually wants them around?" Rep. Steve Simon of Minnesota asked.
Monday, November 08, 2010
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ADHD er en psykiatrisk diagnose gitt til personer som oppfyller et minimumskrav for kriterier relatert til kroniske forekomster av hyperaktivitet, impulsivitet og / eller vanskeligheter knyttet til organisering og oppmerksomhet...
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